July 1, 2024

May Product Update 2024

Our new Workflows page will replace Rules, and you'll be able to take one-off actions from the Assets page.


In May, we introduced new features to the Metomic platform to enhance your experience and make it easier to protect your sensitive data. Our new Workflows page will replace Rules, and you'll be able to take one-off actions from the Assets page.  

Workflows are replacing Metomic Rules

We're replacing Metomic Rules with Workflows to ensure protecting your sensitive data is seamless, and completely comprehensive.

You'll see a new interface allowing you to choose the actions you'd like to take on different types of sensitive data.

Key features include:

1) Asset-based rule counts: Eliminate alert fatigue with one alert for one document, no matter how many individual classifiers.

2) ‘AND’ searches in rules: Detect one classifier only in conjunction with another - a critical component of PHI detection.

3) Quantity limits in rules: Focus on the risks that matter to your organisation by detecting data over a certain limit in one asset.

4) A comprehensive action history: Understand the risks to your business with a record of how and when Metomic took action.

And don't worry, you'll still have access to key actions you already love such as auto-redacted Slack messages, and the option to privatise 'public' Drive documents.


Take one-off customised actions

Sometimes, a situation calls for a one-off action, rather than a blanket rule. Now, you can take one-off customised actions against items on the asset page.

With the same level of configurability as Workflows, these one-off actions help you to unify your controls across the platform. You will also be able to see:

  • What happened with the action you ran
  • If it failed, and why
  • Who the notification was sent to

Metomic's hot-take

This recent article from Security Magazine highlights a critical issue: the rapid digitisation of medical data has outpaced the implementation of key cybersecurity measures in the healthcare sector.

With 87% of medical data now digital, the sector faces heightened vulnerability to ransomware and data breaches, yet 37% of healthcare providers lack a formal cybersecurity response plan. This gap is concerning, given the potential impacts on patient care and data privacy.

The main causes of breaches are human error and targeted attacks, exacerbated by insufficient IT security training for employees. Enhanced employee training and comprehensive cybersecurity strategies are crucial to mitigating these risks and ensuring patient data is secured.

In May, we introduced new features to the Metomic platform to enhance your experience and make it easier to protect your sensitive data. Our new Workflows page will replace Rules, and you'll be able to take one-off actions from the Assets page.  

Workflows are replacing Metomic Rules

We're replacing Metomic Rules with Workflows to ensure protecting your sensitive data is seamless, and completely comprehensive.

You'll see a new interface allowing you to choose the actions you'd like to take on different types of sensitive data.

Key features include:

1) Asset-based rule counts: Eliminate alert fatigue with one alert for one document, no matter how many individual classifiers.

2) ‘AND’ searches in rules: Detect one classifier only in conjunction with another - a critical component of PHI detection.

3) Quantity limits in rules: Focus on the risks that matter to your organisation by detecting data over a certain limit in one asset.

4) A comprehensive action history: Understand the risks to your business with a record of how and when Metomic took action.

And don't worry, you'll still have access to key actions you already love such as auto-redacted Slack messages, and the option to privatise 'public' Drive documents.


Take one-off customised actions

Sometimes, a situation calls for a one-off action, rather than a blanket rule. Now, you can take one-off customised actions against items on the asset page.

With the same level of configurability as Workflows, these one-off actions help you to unify your controls across the platform. You will also be able to see:

  • What happened with the action you ran
  • If it failed, and why
  • Who the notification was sent to

Metomic's hot-take

This recent article from Security Magazine highlights a critical issue: the rapid digitisation of medical data has outpaced the implementation of key cybersecurity measures in the healthcare sector.

With 87% of medical data now digital, the sector faces heightened vulnerability to ransomware and data breaches, yet 37% of healthcare providers lack a formal cybersecurity response plan. This gap is concerning, given the potential impacts on patient care and data privacy.

The main causes of breaches are human error and targeted attacks, exacerbated by insufficient IT security training for employees. Enhanced employee training and comprehensive cybersecurity strategies are crucial to mitigating these risks and ensuring patient data is secured.

In May, we introduced new features to the Metomic platform to enhance your experience and make it easier to protect your sensitive data. Our new Workflows page will replace Rules, and you'll be able to take one-off actions from the Assets page.  

Workflows are replacing Metomic Rules

We're replacing Metomic Rules with Workflows to ensure protecting your sensitive data is seamless, and completely comprehensive.

You'll see a new interface allowing you to choose the actions you'd like to take on different types of sensitive data.

Key features include:

1) Asset-based rule counts: Eliminate alert fatigue with one alert for one document, no matter how many individual classifiers.

2) ‘AND’ searches in rules: Detect one classifier only in conjunction with another - a critical component of PHI detection.

3) Quantity limits in rules: Focus on the risks that matter to your organisation by detecting data over a certain limit in one asset.

4) A comprehensive action history: Understand the risks to your business with a record of how and when Metomic took action.

And don't worry, you'll still have access to key actions you already love such as auto-redacted Slack messages, and the option to privatise 'public' Drive documents.


Take one-off customised actions

Sometimes, a situation calls for a one-off action, rather than a blanket rule. Now, you can take one-off customised actions against items on the asset page.

With the same level of configurability as Workflows, these one-off actions help you to unify your controls across the platform. You will also be able to see:

  • What happened with the action you ran
  • If it failed, and why
  • Who the notification was sent to

Metomic's hot-take

This recent article from Security Magazine highlights a critical issue: the rapid digitisation of medical data has outpaced the implementation of key cybersecurity measures in the healthcare sector.

With 87% of medical data now digital, the sector faces heightened vulnerability to ransomware and data breaches, yet 37% of healthcare providers lack a formal cybersecurity response plan. This gap is concerning, given the potential impacts on patient care and data privacy.

The main causes of breaches are human error and targeted attacks, exacerbated by insufficient IT security training for employees. Enhanced employee training and comprehensive cybersecurity strategies are crucial to mitigating these risks and ensuring patient data is secured.